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Journaling and Joy Day 5


Join the Journey
Join the Journey

It is only day 5 in the journaling but if you have been reading you will know that I love a good song. My house is always full of music. Often it is just one song on repeat Music is my meditation, my fitness, my joy and that is why Question 4 of the daily journaling prompts is:

Did you hear a favourite song? Did you sing along? What song was it? When did you first hear it?

A song has the power to transport, to remind you of love, grief, strength; it can take you back to childhood, or that perfect day beside that perfect person. Music is powerful, and when you sing along to it, all the feelings come back. You can be twenty in a club or ten in a canoe - it just depends on the song. I was brought up with music. We listened to music, we sang in the car, my parents literally sang me to sleep. So when I hear a song that hits my heart, I sing. I don't have a great voice. I don't always stay in key or on beat or in tune - but I sing. Sometimes just the simple act of singing to a favourite song can change your mood, your outlook, even your confidence. So put on your favourite song and sing.

Anna's Journaling Answers

  1. Lentil Soup

  2. frying garlic

  3. Just for me today

  4. Sweet Sound of Heaven

  5. Yes

  6. A new recipe

  7. A new recipe

  8. Blue with clouds on the horizon

  9. I sang - a lot

  10. Deer tracks over my backyard.

Journaling Your Journey Questions

  1. What or who made you smile today?

  2. Did you smell something that reminded you of family or childhood?

  3. What was hard today? Did you learn something? Did you ask for help?

  4. Did you hear a favourite song? Did you sing along? What song was it? When did you first hear it?

  5. How did you show love today?

  6. What was something new in your life? A recipe? A trail? A book? Anything - no matter how small.

  7. Did you do something courageous today? Anything out of your comfort zone?

  8. What colour was the sky?

  9. What did you do that was creative? Sing a song? Draw? Knit? Dance?

  10. What brought you joy or gratitude today?

Joy-Monger Adventure Time

Go Outside, Pay Attention
Go Outside, Pay Attention

Day 5 - Smell

"Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived” - Hellen Keller

A few years ago, my husband went to France. When he came back, he gave me some soap from a lilac farm he had visited. As soon as the scent hit me, I was reminded of my grandma. My grandma died when I was five, but as I smelled that soap, I was reminded of her. I remembered her hugs that enfolded me in polyester, her wrinkled hands on mine, and her smell—lavender and baby powder. I remembered being five and sitting on the ground eating strawberries from her garden. I remembered her laugh, her voice, her cookies, her kitchen table. All of this came back with the smell of a bar of soap—memories long forgotten and yet cherished.

“For the sense of smell,

almost more than any other,

has the power to recall memories

and it's a pity we use it so little.”

― Rachel Carson

Visit Jessica Lin's site to dig deeper into the power of joy.


I would love to hear about your joy and your journaling. If you would like to share your journey I would love to hear it.

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